Tutoring and student support
The tutoring scheme covers a wide range of activities designed to help make university life more effective and productive. They include:
- welcoming first years
- helping students in their studies
- advice on courses and study plans
- support in finding information about international mobility programmes, scholarships at home and abroad, rights to study (scholarships, employment contracts) and compulsory internships
Check your course website for more information.
Are you an international student in mobility or enrolled at UniTo?
Make the most of Buddy Project, UniTo welcome and support service to international students.
Contact buddy.sme@unito.it for information and to get in touch with a buddy.
Read more about Buddy project – Do you need suppor-TO?
The Job Placement service aims at helping to bring together labor demand and supply by addressing both the local production needs and the needs of graduands and graduates of the School of Management and Economics.
Job Placement is an initiative of the University of Turin that fits within a broader national framework directed towards implementing Law No. 30/2003, which establishes that Universities may operate as employment agencies and therefore act as an intermediary between labour demand and supply for students and graduates.
To find out more about how to get ready to meet potential employers, please visit the website of the School of Management and Economics (in Italian only).
Disabled students
If you are a student with a temporary or permanent disability, the University of Turin provides technical and/or didactic aids and specialised services to encourage the creation of inclusive contexts and full involvement in the various aspects of university life.
You can find the services and tools offered in the dedicated section of the University portal:
Contact us by writing to ufficio.disabili@unito.it or calling +39 011 670 4284 (active Monday to Friday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 3.30 p.m.).
Delegate for the inclusion of students with disabilities: Prof. Valerio Brescia
Students with specific learning disorders (SLD)
If you are a student with a specific learning disorders (SLD), the University of Turin provides technical and/or teaching aids and specialised services to encourage the creation of inclusive contexts and full involvement in the various aspects of university life.
You can find the services and tools offered in the dedicated section of the University portal:
Contact us by writing to ufficio.dsa@unito.it or calling +39 011 670 4284 (active Monday to Friday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 3.30 p.m.).
Delegate for the inclusion of students with specific learning disorders: Prof. Erica Varese
For more information visit the section Students with special needs.
You can find out more about all the services that support international students at UniTO on the devoted webpage on unito.it